One of the more common misconceptions I encounter in others, is that they think a lack of immediate response equals anything from ignorance to stupidity. When you are not reactive, they tend to feel they have gotten one over you, or that they are more clever. Sometimes, they are right. One misses the little things, or explains them away, or brushes them aside. Regardless of reasons, the less reactive you are, the more bold they become. The bolder they become, the more obvious things become. Then one has to choose whether it was accidental, slip of the tongue, or deliberate. When you are patient, and give ample opportunities for them to correct themselves, maybe notice what was accidental, or to cease from being deliberate, it is not seem as an opportunity. They consider you even more stupid than they previously felt, and they get bolder still.
Why is that?
Simple. Some people are deliberately incapable of being decent human beings. Anyone and everyone is fair game for their manipulations and games, whether those manipulations and games are successfully concealed or not. They have a disdain, even a loathing, of anyone who they feel they can outsmart, even if that outsmarting exists only in their mind. They are completely and utterly undeserving of any chances to be a decent human being, because they are incapable of being a decent human being. It's not a disability they can do nothing about, it's a condition they cultivate with as much care and attention as one would give to a rare and beautiful orchid. There is nothing rare and beautiful about it though. It is a horrid, distasteful personality trait, and has a very well-defined pattern.
The amount and quality of the people driven away by such abhorrent behaviour does not serve as a deterrent, because they see nothing wrong with their behaviour. They have no problems twisting things in such a way that not only do they justify their words and actions to themselves, but they also convince others through manipulation, sometimes even the very victims of their selfishness, that they somehow are the wounded party. If and/or when confronted, they have no problems turning every word to suit themselves, to paint them as the innocents, and if you persist and are not swayed by manipulations, they become belligerent, insulting, angry, and vicious. If manipulations do not work, they have no problems turning to intimidation tactics.
Now, if you choose to ignore them, to remove them from your life cleanly, they do not back off. They attempt to manipulate, to guilt trip, to feign confusion. Maybe they are not feigning that feeling after all, as they hold fast to the belief that they can do nothing wrong. They are perhaps such adept liars and deceivers that they have even deceived themselves. They try repeatedly to drag you back into their twisted little world, and there are no depths that they will hesitate to sink to. Lies, manipulations, even using others, whether directly or indirectly, to reestablish contact, it's all fair game to them.
However... there comes a time when they attempt to use those tactics, on someone who knows how to identify each and every twist and turn. That person may remove them from their life immediately, or may allow them to continue on, testing whether a genuine friendship may change their ways, make them willing to be a decent human being. It may go on for days, weeks, months... even just over a year. Then that person looks over every action, every word, and weighs everything in the balance. When the manipulative party is without a doubt devoted to their manipulative traits, there is no other course of action that can be followed, except to completely and utterly remove all traces of them from ones life. There is no apology owed, no explanations due to the manipulator. There is no loyalty owed, nothing at all is owed to or deserved by such a despicable creature.
I have removed such elements from my life before, and have no problems doing so again. In fact, I already did.
Changing the chronology of events to suit your shoddy attempts at manipulation; having more than enough evidence supporting the fact that you are not wanted in my life, yet persisting in contacting me; even using your daughter's Facebook account to attempt contacting me... Pathetic. Learn to take the hint and leave gracefully. I owe no explanation to you, and frankly, you know full and well what the reason is, unless you have twisted your own mind so far that you believe you are completely and utterly innocent. Whether you do or not matters little and less to me. Do not use your actions and interactions with others as the excuse. I do not sweat other people's fevers, nor do I ask or require anyone to sweat mine.
Any friendship is completely dead, and has been for months. I have not acted in haste, or impulsively. I am much too intelligent and methodical for that. Every word here is stated calmly and unemotionally. To show emotion, one needs to care, and that ceased months ago. You are not wanted in any aspect of my life, in any way, shape or form. Do not contact me ever again.
Princess Nadya Crème Brûlée Panda
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- Princess Nadya Crème Brûlée Panda
- Second Life
- I am open to all the generosity that the universe has predestined for me, and any extra it wishes to give. I deserve everything I desire because.