Tuesday, April 9, 2013

An Epiphany!

It's been coming for a while, this epiphany... only because I had some strange, outdated views that took a while to shake off. They've been shaken away now, and I fully understand and embrace the fact that there are some people who just genuinely want to spoil me, give me gifts, and all for the sole purpose of making me smile. Some have this idea that accepting gifts is wrong, or leaves you with an obligation to the generous soul.. and some generous souls also have this misconception. So I shall clarify all of that here.

  • If you want to be generous to me, do so with a pure heart. I have absolutely no obligations to you. You choose to be generous, and that is with no strings attached. If it's to manipulate me into doing something for you, you will find yourself very disappointed.
  • I have particular tastes, and know exactly what I like. For that reason, there is a wishlist at the bottom of this post, solely for those things I want in Second Life. 
  • You get nothing other than a heartfelt thank you, and the warm satisfaction of knowing you made me smile. 
  • I will use the money as I see fit. If I feel like using it all for myself, or giving it away, whether to a friend, stranger, or someone in need, that is my right. It is now mine, and you are not allowed to ask for it back, unless you really want to make me laugh.
  • There is no gun to your head. You do this of your own free will and from the desire to please me and make me smile. If you want more than that, look elsewhere.
With all of that said, spoil away to your heart's content, as well as mine. I'm done with feeling shy about getting gifts. I love being spoiled, and am not ashamed of it. You love to spoil, then here is your opportunity. The sky is the limit. Treat me like a Princess.

Princess Nadya "Lola" Kruyschek.

P.S. Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets 
And little man, little Lola wants you 
Make up your mind to have, no regrets 
Recline yourself, resign yourself you're through

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Second Life
I am open to all the generosity that the universe has predestined for me, and any extra it wishes to give. I deserve everything I desire because.