Thursday, February 21, 2013

what's in a name?

Princess. Goddess. Queen. The past couple weeks, I have been referred to by all three titles, and I have come to a conclusion.

I absolutely love it.

Some might think it's vain, pompous, et cetera, but how is it any of those things, when others call me those titles of their own free will? It was not requested or demanded by me, but willingly bestowed to me by them as a compliment, a sign of respect, and other reasons. I know I'm not a deity, and I know that while I am descended from royalty, I possess no such titles as of today (who knows what life holds though). I know what truly matters in life, titles come and go, it's not the measure of one's true worth and character.

Nevertheless, being treated with dignity, admiration, and honour by friends; being spoiled for my birthday month a bit in RL and SL; and being called Princess/Goddess/Queen... it does make me feel pretty damn good! I was also called sweet pea and I rather like that one too. As far as affectionate nicknames go, these are vastly better than snookums or some ridiculously mushy, nonsensical name.

Feel free to call me Princess, Goddess, Queen, sweet pea, beautiful, sexy, gorgeous, and of course, Nadya. (It's better than "Oi, you!") I answer to them all, and I am the same person as always, regardless of names and/or titles. A rose by any other name is still just as sweet, and nothing changes that.

Princess Nadya :)

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I am open to all the generosity that the universe has predestined for me, and any extra it wishes to give. I deserve everything I desire because.